A Logo for labgrid
It took us a while to find a good logo for one of our latest (but already quite-a-few-years-out) software projects, called labgrid. In case you have not heard of it yet, feel free to read our short blog post from 2017 or visit labgrid's GitHub page.
Finding an expressive logo was not that easy because it is quite abstract and hard to depict what labgrid actually does or provides.
Basically, labgrid is an abstraction framework bridging the gap between pure hardware control and high-level software description.
The new logo now symbolizes this link between the hardware layer on one side (depicted by the plug symbol) and the software interface on the other side, depicted by the UML-like interface symbol. It also comes in the same style as our other projects, such as RAUC, PTXdist or barebox.
We would like to thank @blinry for developing our initial hand-drawn drafts (selected from a long list of other ideas) into a clear and beautiful logo.
The new logo is already rolled out to GitHub as well as our internal project website. We hope that you will like it as much as we do.
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