
Tutorial: Evaluating RAUC on QEMU - A Quick Setup With Yocto

RAUC is an update framework for safely deploying verified updates on your embedded Linux devices. It ensures atomicity of the update process to protect from sudden power outages, hardware failures, etc. So, why would one like to run RAUC on an emulated platform?

Wir haben doch etwas zu verbergen: Schlüssel mit OP-TEE verschlüsseln

Moderne Linux Systeme müssen häufig zwecks Authentifizierung bei einer Cloud- basierten Infrastruktur oder einer On-Premise Maschine eigene kryptografische Schlüssel speichern. Statt der Verwendung eines Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), bieten moderne ARM Prozessoren die TrustZone-Technologie an, auf deren Basis ebenfalls Schlüssel oder andere Geheimnisse gespeichert werden können. Dieses Paper zeigt die Nutzung des Open Portable Trusted Execution Environments (OP- TEE) mit der Standardkonformen PKCS#11 Schnittstellen und i.MX6 Prozessoren von NXP als Beispiel.

Conferences 2021: A Retrospective and Outlook

Besides the improvements around embedded Linux software and ongoing development of Linux kernel components, the Pengutronix team took the corona pandemic as an opportunity: Last year, many conferences were accessible via internet, so we joined from the comfort of our home offices and shared our experiences and ideas with the community.

Pengutronix Kernel Contributions in 2021

2022 has started, and although Corona had a huge impact on our workflow, the Pengutronix team again made quite some contributions to the Linux kernel. The last kernel release in 2020 was 5.10, the last one in 2021 was 5.15, so let's have a look at what happened in between.

QM meets CI

"Hey Marie, how do I schedule my vacation dates again?", since I'm working in the management division of Pengutronix, I know these kind of questions very well. Writing down the processes enables me to answer "RTFM". Processes are organizational tasks that need to be performed over and over again, sometimes based on a fixed interval - sometimes on demand.

rauc-hawkbit-updater v1.0 Released

Back in 2018, rauc-hawkbit-updater was started by Prevas A/S as a C/GLib port of our rauc-hawkbit Python prototype (also called RAUC hawkBit Client) that was mainly developed for showcases and to serve as a demonstration and evaluation platform for others.

labgrid Tutorials

This week, we started our series of YouTube labgrid tutorials. In the next few weeks we will publish more video tutorials showing you labgrid's features and giving you handy tips and tricks.

Pengutronix on ELC 2021

The sun is shining for the last days of summer 2021. It doesn't only mean that autumn is coming, but also that this year's ELC is in preparation.

Update of our Remotelab equipment

If it looks like an advertising blogpost, reads like an advertising blogpost ... it probably is an advertising blogpost! Nobody likes to read advertisements and we don't like to write them at all, but like all proud parents, we would like to show you the new products that our corporate subsidiary, Linux Automation GmbH, has freshly added to their store. With these new products we, and maybe soon you, will complete (y)our Remotelab infrastructure.

Smart City - vom Rapid Prototyping bis zur Tragfähigen Infrastruktur

Wir wollen zum Bundesweiten Digitaltag am 18.6.2021 das Thema "Smarte Städte" ein bisschen von der technischen Seite beleuchten, aber keine Angst: es bleibt für alle verständlich.