Articles with tag "talk"

Netdevconf 0x16

After a longer time with online-only events, the Netdev 0x16, a conference about the technical aspects of Linux Networking, was organized as hybrid event: online and on-site at Lisbon.

CLT-2022: Voll verteilt!

Unter dem Motto "Voll verteilt" finden die Chemnitzer Linux Tage auch 2022 im virtuellen Raum statt. Wie auch im letzten Jahr, könnt ihr uns in der bunten Pixelwelt des Workadventures treffen und auf einen Schnack über Linux, Open Source, oder neue Entwicklungen vorbei kommen.

Wir haben doch etwas zu verbergen: Schlüssel mit OP-TEE verschlüsseln

Moderne Linux Systeme müssen häufig zwecks Authentifizierung bei einer Cloud- basierten Infrastruktur oder einer On-Premise Maschine eigene kryptografische Schlüssel speichern. Statt der Verwendung eines Trusted Platform Modules (TPM), bieten moderne ARM Prozessoren die TrustZone-Technologie an, auf deren Basis ebenfalls Schlüssel oder andere Geheimnisse gespeichert werden können. Dieses Paper zeigt die Nutzung des Open Portable Trusted Execution Environments (OP- TEE) mit der Standardkonformen PKCS#11 Schnittstellen und i.MX6 Prozessoren von NXP als Beispiel.

Conferences 2021: A Retrospective and Outlook

Besides the improvements around embedded Linux software and ongoing development of Linux kernel components, the Pengutronix team took the corona pandemic as an opportunity: Last year, many conferences were accessible via internet, so we joined from the comfort of our home offices and shared our experiences and ideas with the community.

QM meets CI

"Hey Marie, how do I schedule my vacation dates again?", since I'm working in the management division of Pengutronix, I know these kind of questions very well. Writing down the processes enables me to answer "RTFM". Processes are organizational tasks that need to be performed over and over again, sometimes based on a fixed interval - sometimes on demand.

Smart City - vom Rapid Prototyping bis zur Tragfähigen Infrastruktur

Wir wollen zum Bundesweiten Digitaltag am 18.6.2021 das Thema "Smarte Städte" ein bisschen von der technischen Seite beleuchten, aber keine Angst: es bleibt für alle verständlich.

Wie man (k)ein Betriebssystem für Produkte baut

Distributionen wie Raspbian lassen die passgenaue Zusammenstellung eines Betriebssystems kinderleicht aussehen. Image herunterladen, Pakete installieren, noch ein paar Änderungen - fertig. Alles wie auf dem Laptop oder Server. Warum ein Betriebssystem aus einer klassischen Distribution im Produkt-Kontext zur Katastrophe führen kann, beleuchtet der Vortrag "Raspbian vs. Build-Systeme: Das richtige Werkzeug für solide Produkte".

Pengutronix at FOSDEM 2021

"FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. In 2021, they will gather online." -- FOSDEM

Safe and Secure Field Updates of Embedded Linux Systems

In this blog post I would like to address the challenges of performing unattended and verified updates of embedded Linux systems in the field using open source software and workflows. While updating is not a end in itself, a second part of my considerations goes even further and also works out the necessities and possible workflows for keeping the software stack of a project up to date and thus either preventing security issues or at least enabling a short reaction time in case of severe CVE'S discovered.

Pengutronix at FOSDEM 2018

As in the previous years a bunch of Pengutronix developers attended the FOSDEM Open Source conference in Brussels to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the context of embedded Linux, graphics and media, electronics and lots of other interesting topics.

All Systems Go 2017: Updating Embedded Systems

At the All Systems Go conference in Berlin, Michael Obrich reported at 2017-10-22 about "Updating Embedded Systems - Putting it all together", based on the experiences of the Pengutronix integration team.

Talk at All Systems Go 2017 Conference

Before the ELC-E conference starts in Prague, Berlin hosts the All Systems Go conference, the successor of the systemd conference. In times of increasing IT security incidents with IoT devices, updating such systems in a secure and reliable way becomes more and more important. Michael Olbrich's talk outlines the challenges and possible solutions for a robust update process.

Pengutronix Talks at ELC-E in Prague

The autumn conference highlight is the Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELC-E), which takes place in Prague this year. The Pengutronix team will be present with four talks and two demo points / showcases, presenting current open source projects (RAUC, labgrid, etnaviv).

Talk: Long Term Maintenance at Embedded Recipes (Paris)

While the technical side of building embedded Linux systems is mostly solved, running such systems connected to the internet over a long time has its own challenges. At the Embedded Recipes Conference in Paris, Marc Kleine-Budde will talk about establishing a sustinable workflow for this usecase tomorrow (2017-09-26).

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